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Thermomechanical recycling processes have several limitations: only transparent plastics can be recycled in closed systems, with quality loss in each cycle, resulting in the difficulty of producing new products from 100% recycled PET. Mixed and dirty plastics and textiles are very difficult or impossible to recycle and are therefore usually sent to incineration or landfill. Incineration of plastic waste today accounts for 8% of Sweden's total carbon dioxide emissions.​


Cyclezyme's enzymatic recycling of plastic waste is both good for the environment and uses plastic waste as a resource to manufacture new products. Cyclezyme's enzymes can specifically depolymerize PET (polyethylene terephthalate) into its constituent parts without solvents and high temperatures, making enzymatic plastic recycling a technology that reduces the need for oil to make new plastic.


Microscope image of surface of Colored APET. On the right before treatment and on the left after added enzyme

Recycling technology based on enzymes

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